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Introduction to the VDA Automotive SPICE® Guidelines

Categories Process Management

General Information
2 Days

This training provides participants with an understanding of the VDA interpretation guidelines for Automotive SPICE® v3.1 (Blue/Gold volume).

In January 2018, the VDA QMC published its Blue/Gold volume – Interpretation Guidelines for Automotive SPICE®. The content of these guidelines came into immediate effect and is now part of the training given to Lead Assessors (Principal/Competent Assessors) and forms part of the certification process.

This training provides participants with an understanding of the VDA interpretation guidelines for Automotive SPICE® v3.1. We will cover the guidelines documented in the Blue/Gold volume and the differences between rating rules and recommendations. The training also provides information on how to define the scope of an assessment model and apply the rating guidelines.

We will use examples and exercises to give insight into the guidelines and their application from the perspective of Competent Assessors and project members.

This training allows room for discussions of challenges in applying the guidelines during an assessment and how to deal with these challenges.

This course is exclusively taught by experienced intacs®-certified instructors with extensive experience in the practical implementation of assessments in accordance with Automotive SPICE® .


The training will be conducted with officially created material from intacs®. The content of this training reflects the syllabus developed by VDA and intacs®:

  • Requirements for the assessor qualification
  • Brief overview of content and concept of the VDA Automotive SPICE® Guidelines
    • Definition of the VDA scope
    • Purpose and structure of rules and recommendation
    • Aggregation of ratings
    • Definition of the assessment scope and templates for different use cases of the scope definition in an assessment
    • Idea of consistency
  • Exemplary rating rules and recommendations for
    • The processes of the VDA scope
    • The specific environments defined in the guidelines
    • The specific terms defined in the guidelines
    • Capability Level 2 and 3
Target audience
  • intacs® Competent Assessors, Automotive SPICE® (mandatory)
  • intacs® Principal Assessors, Automotive SPICE® (mandatory)
  • intacs® Instructors, Automotive SPICE® (mandatory)
  • intacs® Provisional Assessors, Automotive SPICE® (voluntary, top-up course)

Participants must have:

  • Experience in the application of Automotive SPICE®
  • Initial experiences in rating processes (e.g., as co-assessor in an assessment or internal process ratings)
  • Several years of professional experience in the domain of IT (e.g., software or systems deve


Further information

For online trainings, all materials are offered digitally. For in-person trainings, all materials are offered digitally. iParticipants must bring their own copy of the Automotive SPICE® v3.1 Guidelines (Blue/Gold volume) to the training session.

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