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Automotive Homologation Training

Categories Safety Relevant Development , Automotive Functional Safety Professional

General Information
3 Days

A close look at the processes, regulatory resources and testing requirements for homologation designed for automotive engineers and executives.

This training provides an opportunity to develop a global view of the complex processes, regulatory resources and testing requirements for homologation.

Each part of the training was designed for project-level engineers and executives who need to better understand the requirements of specific markets. While focused mainly on vehicle manufacturers, suppliers will also benefit from the component and system level certification requirements covered in the training.

This seminar does not constitute legal advice, and attending the seminar does not guarantee regulatory compliance, certification or any other result.

Part 1
  • Introduction.
  • Understanding homologation
  • Self-certification versus witness testing/type approval.
  • State-specific regulations.
  • Vehicle compliance labeling.
  • U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT).
  • U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
  • Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS).
  • More in-depth look at the process in the U.S.
  • Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (CMVSS).
  • Significant regulatory differences.
  • Transport Canada (TC) requirements.
  • U.S. New Car Assessment Program (NCAP).
  • Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS).
  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA).
  • Electric vehicle testing and labeling.
  • California Air Resource Board (CARB).
  • CARB Section 177 States.
  • Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards.
  • On-board diagnostics (OBD).
  • California Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) mandate.
Part 2
  • European Union (EU) vehicle certification and harmonization.
  • United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).
  • World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29).
  • Global Technical Regulations (GTRs).
  • Worldwide manufacturer identification (WMI) from SAE — an important first step for new manufacturers.
Part 3
  • China Compulsory Certificate (CCC) Process.
  • Mexico standards and certification
  • Russia (GOST).
  • Other markets.
  • Functional safety overview.
  • U.S. Federal Communication Commission (FCC).
  • Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements.
  • How to build a homologation team.
  • Homologation department roles and responsibilities.
  • Subject matter experts versus homologation experts.
  • Related critical automotive considerations and available training.
  • Automotive functional safety – ISO 26262 standard.
  • Safety of the intended functionality (SOTIF) – ISO 21448 standard.
  • Automotive cybersecurity – ISO/SAE 21434 standard.
  • Autonomous vehicles – UL 4600 and beyond.
Target audience
  • Product engineers
  • Release engineers
  • Planners
  • Project managers
  • Test engineers and managers
  • Quality leadership
  • Engineering management and C-level executives
  • Startup founders and leaders
  • Marketing management

None required

Further information

For online trainings, all materials are offered digitally. For in-person trainings, all materials are offered digitally and may be supplemented with hard copies. Copies of any relevant standards must be provided by the learner.

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